
    Information Technology and e-Governance (IT-eG)


    ‘Information Technology and e-Governance’ ( IT-eG ) division was formed in the mid of the Xth Plan period to facilitate the accelerated usage of various Information Technology opportunities and hence provide an IT enabled work environment in the Department. Primarily aims to convert the existing procedures and processes into citizen centered, IT-eG division keeps implementing e-Governance in the Department progressively in conformance to the National eGovernance Action Plan. For the implementation of an ‘IT Action Plan’, IT-eG Division operates on a separate IT Budget Head that came into effect in DSIR since FY 2004-05.

    IT Action Plan

    For carrying out IT-eG activities in the department, a comprehensive IT-Action Plan was formulated in line with the Government directions issued from time to time:

    • Infrastructure Development: Provide and maintain Personal Computers (PCs) and other essential IT- equipment and software to all the functionaries.
    • Networking: Up gradation, extension and maintenance of the Local Area Network (LAN).
    • Office Automation: Implement various applications software that not only maintain records of receipt, issue of letters and movement of files but also offer enhancement in accountability, responsiveness and transparency in governance.
    • IntraDSIR: Enrich the contents of the IntraDSIR by including downloadable forms and circulars relevant to employees of the Department.
    • IT Training: Provide relevant training courses to the officers/ staff that enable them to work on computers by using application software developed.
    • e-Reports: Convert the Acts, Rules, Circulars and other published materials of interest or relevance to the public, in the electronic form.
    • Website: Enrich the contents of the DSIR website by including downloadable forms and guidelines relevant to various citizen services that Department provides.

    Click here, (File Size: 2 MB) for IT-eG’s Initiative and Achievements.


    For any other details, you may contact

    Vimal Kumar Varun
    Scientist ‘F’ & Head (IT-eG)
    Department of Scientific & Industrial Research
    Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road
    New Delhi-110016

    Tel: (011) 26516078, 26590416
    TeleFax: (011) 26516078
    E-mail: vkv[at]nic[dot]in