Directory of Public Funded Research Institutions and others registered with DSIR
The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) is the nodal government department for granting recognition to in-house R&D units established by corporate companies and non-commercial Scientific & Industrial Research Organisations (SIROs) engaged in basic & applied scientific research in the areas of natural and applied sciences, medical sciences, agricultural sciences and social sciences.
Government of India announced rationalisation of customs duty exemption vide notification No. 51/96-customs dt. 23.07.1996 to public funded Institutions and others. As per the notification a public funded research institution or a university or an Indian Institute of Technology or Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore or a regional engineering college other than a hospital should obtain registration from DSIR, for purposes of availing customs duty exemption on imports for research purposes. Vide notification No. 10/97-central excise dt. 01.03.1997, these institutions have been also allowed to avail central excise duty exemption on domestic purchases for research purposes. The items covered under these notifications are scientific & technical instruments, equipments (including computers); accessories & spare parts and consumables; computer software, Compact Disc-Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), recorded magnetic tapes, microfilms, microfiches and prototypes, exclusively for research purposes only. Up-till December 2002, over 800 institutions were registered with DSIR.
Vide notification No.28/2003 dt.01.03.2003; Ministry of Finance has amended the notification No.51/96-Customs dt.23.7.1996. As per the amendment, departments & laboratories of central government & state government (other than a hospital) do not need to get registered with DSIR for availing customs duty exemption on imports for research purposes. The head of the institution can issue a certificate of essentiality of the imports for research purposes. Accordingly institutions falling in the above categories have been advised by DSIR that they do not need to submit applications for registration and renewal of registration, in future.
A Directory of Public Funded Research Institutions Registered with DSIR till 31.03.2004, has now been prepared by DSIR. The document covers details of 550 institutions, which are having valid registration by DSIR. Names and addresses, DSIR registration numbers & period of validity of the registration of all the reregistered PFRIs are given in it.
The main purpose of bringing out this directory is to provide a reference source to various industries, Government Departments, R&D institutions and others who may like to take the opportunity of initiating interaction with the institutions in various disciplines of scientific and/or industrial research. Although due care has been taken to correctly indicate the period of registration in the directory, in case of any anomaly, actual registration letters should be referred to.
Jagdish Singh
Scientist-G & Head, RDI
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research
Ministry of Science & Technology
March, 2004 New Delhi