
    Building Industrial R&D and Common Research Facilities (BIRD-crf)

    • Common Research and Technology Development Hubs (CRTDH) UPDATED [13/04/2018]

      This is a new programme is aimed at creation of Common Research and Technology Development Hubs (CRTDHs) to encourage research and technology development activities by MSEs

    • Industrial R&D Promotion Programme (IRDPP) UPDATED

      This is the flagship programme of the department is aimed to bring R&D into sharper focus by strengthening and promoting R&D infrastructure in Industry, Public Funded Research Institutions (PFRI) and Scientific and Industrial Research Organizations (SIROs). This programme also provides fiscal incentives to scientific research.

    • Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT) UPDATED [08/04/2010]

      This is the committed programme and Government of India has committed to support the centre through DSIR. APCTT has the status and membership identical to subsidiary body of Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). The objectives of the Centre are to assist the members and associate members of ESCAP through strengthening their capabilities to develop and manage national innovation systems. Apply technology; improve the terms of transfer of technology and identify and promote the development and transfer of technologies relevant to the region.

    • Information Technology and e-Governance (ITeG) UPDATED [19/04/2018]

      This is a mandatory programme was formed in the mid of the Xth Plan period to facilitate the accelerated usage of various Information Technology opportunities and hence provide an IT enabled work environment in the Department.